
Accreditation Unit (Schools)
The Accreditation Unit (Schools) of the SQA examines and evaluates Primary and Secondary state schools, as a place for teaching and learning. They verify that the schools are properly self-evaluating and working according to set standards, as a way to enhance the quality of education.

Qualifications and Standards
Unit Standards are the foundation of the NQF and they are used by Providers to develop programmes. Learners are measured against Unit standards to show that they have knowledge, skills and attributes that a particular occupational area requires.

Programme Accreditation
All programmes must be accredited before they can be delivered by a Provider. The SQA, through the Programme Accreditation Unit, grants a Provider the status of “Accredited Provider” once it is satisfied that it meets standards of quality.

Institutional Accreditation
The Institutional Accreditation Unit of SQA evaluates Providers by verifying their self-assessment processes and external reviews to determine whether they qualify to exist as an accredited institution.

Recognition & Evaluation of Qualifications
A foreign qualification is recognised when SQA is satisfied that it is appropriate for a specific purpose. Evaluation of foreign qualifications includes verifying their authenticity and comparing them with national and international qualifications, registered on the NQF.

Recognition of Prior Learning
RPL means to recognise and validate knowledge, skills and competencies gathered inside or outside the formal education and training systems, for the purposes of certification.

Registration of Training Providers
Coming soon...
Group of Practitioners completed RPL Training